The History of Georgia Sport Flyers
By Bill Rouse (with help from Pierce Day and Chuck Goodrum):
Updated by Mike Prosser
The history of the Georgia Sport Flyers dates back to the fall of 1993, when names of interested ultralight flyers were being collected to possibly form a club in the Atlanta area. Chuck was visiting airports and collecting names of interested parties, one of which was Ben Cole at Mathis airport. Just a few miles away, little did Chuck know but Pierce Day, in the middle of building his mini max, was interested in learning how to set up engines (oil, mix, prop, and all the other good stuff) and thought a club would provide the needed answers. Chance would have it that Chuck joined EAA Chapter 268 based at McCollum airport in Marietta; it was here that Chuck and Pierce Day first met.
Later, at Pickens County Airport, Chuck and Pierce would run into each other again and Chuck explained to Pierce that he was collecting names of interested parties to form an ultralight club, and the wheels were set in motion to form Atlanta's first ultralight flying club. A short time later, around September or October, Pierce phoned Chuck to say he wanted to get the club started. Several issues were discussed that night, and names were mentioned as to interested people wanting to start a club. The original list of names that Chuck had gathered is in the 1st picture/scrapbook that belongs to the club. Pieced agreed to compose a notice/flyer and would mail it out and Chuck agreed to start working on the Bylaws. Pierce arranged the first meeting in November 1993 at Palmetto-South Fulton Airport. However, due to a conflict with work, Chuck was unable to attend. Out of about 150 people contacted, only 15 showed up that day. A series of meetings followed, that were held at the Varsity, to establish the structure of the club. The Bylaws were discussed, as well as which national organization (USUA or EAA) to affiliate with.
On December 4th, 1993, at the Masters Inn on Fulton Industrial Blvd, the Bylaws were approved and a slate of officers were nominated for term of office for 1994. It was decided at this meeting that meetings would be held in each of the four quadrants around metro Atlanta with the first one being held at the Shoney's on Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Thirty four people were in attendance at this meeting and voted in the first Officers/Executive Committee of the GSFA. The club logo was adopted at the March 1994 meeting. Subsequently, Cartersville Airport (VPC) became our primary informal home base because of its proximity and the number of members that found Cartersville the most convenient location.
The following is a list of Charter Members who were at that first GSFA meeting and have served as Club Officers: Ben Cole (First Club President-1994), Pierce Day (Vice President-2000), Frank Eck (Vice President-2002), Chuck Goodrum (Secretary-1994 & President-1995), Michael W. Prosser (President-2000, 2001 & Rally Master-2000 and co-newsletter editor: 2000-2002), Bill Rouse (Secretary/Treasurer-1996 thru 1998 & 2000), Steve Yothment (Newsletter Editor 1995 thru 1999 & President 1999).
Others who had a significant contribution as Club Officers and are either current or past members: Ken Adams, Phil White, Bennet Lyles, Mike Carpenter Jr, David Shaw, Jeff Hatle (President-1996), Stan Sullivan (Vice President-1996), Ben Methvin (President-1997 & Vice President-2001), Brad Methvin (Vice Pres-1997, President 1998 & Website Officer & Air Rally Master), Dana Simmons (Vice President-1998), Dan Ryson (Vice President-1999), Robert (Bob) Smedberg (President-2002), Richard Logue (Secretary/Treasurer-2002,2003), Jo Prosser (Newsletter Editor: 2000 thru 2002), Terry Miller-Rally Master02). The Officers for 2003 were Bryan Jorgensen-President, Mark Henderson-Vice President and Richard Logue-Secretary/Treasurer, Brad Methvin-Website Officer and Hugo Garcia-Newsletter Editor and Kim Arrowood-Rally Master.
Ultralights and therefore our Club, almost lost its privilege to operate (fly) at Cartersville airport in November 2000. Never forget…
Mr. Robert Hite, FAA Safety Counselor - Cartersville, informed Mike Prosser (President GSFA) that he was going to recommend that ultralights be banned from Cartersville, due to safety reasons/concerns and violations of procedures. The GSFA Executive Officers and several concerned prominent members responded, participated in a letter writing campaign and appealed to the Airport Authority. Meetings were held with the Airport Authority, GSFA, Phoenix Air, Cartersville Pilots Association members and Mr. Hite (also a member of the Airport Authority) for resolution of this conflict. All participants that the GSFA members met with were very professional & fair. At the January 8th, 2001 1st quarterly meeting of the Airport Authority, all parties agreed to permit ultralights to continue to operate at Cartersville. Mike Prosser submitted the Cartersville Pattern and Procedures document, pattern diagrams and the GSFA Safety Committee list to Mr. Don McMillan - Airport Authority Chairman. The Airport Authority accepted the documents and agreed to adopt them into the First Amendment to the Rules and Regulations of the Cartersville Bartow County Airport Authority of Georgia . This was executed on 1-9-01.
Special GSFA Recognition: Mike Prosser (Pres: 2000 & 2001), Pierce Day (VP: 2000), Bill Rouse (Sec/Treasurer: 2000 & 2001), Ben Methvin (VP-2001), Brad Methvin (Website Officer), Chuck Goodrum.
The GSFA Safety Committee was established in Dec. 2000 to ensure our right to operate at Cartersville (VPC) Airport, by striving to establish a safe & harmonious relationship with all user groups at Cartersville. The members were: Mike Prosser, Pierce Day, Ben Methvin, Chuck Goodrum and Bill Rouse. This committee has served continuously from 2000-2003 and updated *12-12-03 for 2004.
The Officers for 2004 are: Kim Arrowood-President, Lonnie Sand-Vice President, Richard Logue-Secretary/Treasurer, Brad Methvin-Website Officer and Richard McIntosh-Newsletter Editor. The GSFA *Safety Committee members are: Mike Prosser, Ben Methvin and Chuck Goodrum.