February 2004                                                                                 Vol. 10                      No. 2
Published every month by mail/website                                         Brad Methvin, Web Editor http://www.georgiasportflyers.com                                              Richard McIntosh, Editor

'Georgia Sport Flyers' club members who elect to receive the newsletter by the US Postal Service, instead of  by e-mail, must pay $10 in addition to the annual $20 membership fee.  Please refer potential members to Secretary-Treasurer:
GSFA/ Richard Logue
584 Ripplewater Dr.
Marietta Ga.  30064

                             OUR BOARD of OFFICERS    
                                                  Kim Arrowood, President        
                                                  Lonnie Sand, VP            

                                                  Richard Logue, Sec Treas.

We lost one of my best friends to whom I owed $75.00 from shooting pool in the rec. room.  He usually won but we never paid off.  Pretention, but you know I still feel guilty that we never settled up.  Funny emotion in my dream-world of war - still!  

That day called D finally came.  We were glad of course, but couldn't quite get the words "Normandy" and "12,000 feet" put away.  We hadn't seen the ground war.  Most wanted to go, but that 12,000 feet did cause, shall we say, some concern.  I had only three missions left before returning state-side to some cushy duty I figured.  Plus we were to fly two missions that day to help those poor bastards below, trying to establish a beach head.

I mustn't leave out the scene that shocked us all when we broke through the clouds on the way down.  A panorama like I had never witnessed appeared.  Thousands of ships so dense that it seemed that one could walk across the English Channel without getting his feet wet.  Many had anti-aircraft balloons tethered with cable to prevent German aircraft strafing - which turned out to be totally unnecessary.  There weren't any!  I could make out the landing boats and the strip of sand with dots, and groups of dots on it.  I knew our job and didn't waver.  Our targets were bridges, certain bridges.  We were coordinated with the ground troops fairly well.  As we flew past the coast we began to see other things that didn't go well.  Parachutes scattered all over, and gliders, some o.k. but many crashed.  Some of these men were obviously where they shouldn't be.  We turned for home.  

There was no conversation on the intercom.  Each of us had those sights we were leaving burned into our brains and those boys below burned into our hearts forever.

We landed at home safely and prepared for our second flight.  I cann't remember whether we were re-briefed or had a rest period.  The second was like the first until we were over the Channel on the way back to Kimbolton.  Relieved, I removed my "Mae West" (life preserver for water) because it chafed my neck so badly and unbuckled one of my leg harness straps which was uncomfortably tight.  That's when my Co-Pilot requested that we switch seats and let him fly the pilots (left) side for a change.  He wanted to become a First Pilot and possibly sign up for another tour.  I understood and sympathized with his lot as a Co-Pilot - dullsville.

We switched seats, and I relaxed a bit as we approached the Thames Estuary
.  We were descending through scattered clouds, occasionally  losing sight of our wing men for seconds.  No big deal.  I had done this many times, and I thought Fred could handle it.  It required much more vigilance and alertness of course.  Suddenly my waist observers yelled on the intercom "Watch that left wing man, he's all over the place".  I looked up and down; he had crossed over or under, I can't remember which.  He didn't settle down in his spot and began sliding toward us again.  Before I could take over he hit us broadside, right on top of Freddie.  We broke apart but his plane blew up.  It was his first mission and only the Bombardier survived.  He said that all he could remember was being outside and pulling his rip cord.  He had been blown through the B-17's nose.

As for us, the plane would not respond to any controls.  Fred was slumped down dead.  

Everyone knew it was bail out time.  I reached for my chest parachute and it was gone, displaced by the collision I assume.  I headed for the exit, which was on a level lower and to the left.  All of the forward crew were to use it.  I was scrambling to find my chest pack chute when out of the blue someone shoved one at me.  I don't know who.  Remember one leg strap was unbuckled.  I got the chest buckle together  and was going to bail out but saw the forward crew couldn't open the escape hatch door.  All one needed to do was pull a lever and they were frantically doing that.  I figured the door was simply stuck and would open if struck hard enough.  We were at about four or five thousand feet and weren't getting anywhere.  I forgot about my leg strap being loose, and threw all my body weight against the door.  It flew off but I flew out!  I hit something with my head, probably the door and was knocked out.  I awoke floating down, hanging half-way out of my harness (another God thing).  Blood was streaming down my face from a deep gash over my left eye.

I was drifting toward the sea while my men floated toward land.  British Air- Sea Rescue saw everything and made the correct decision to head the launch toward the majority and send a two-man row-boat toward me.  I thought I would be cool and pull on the chute lines like in the movies, reversing direction.  That caused a vicious swing that almost dumped me out of the half-hitched harness.  I said  "o.k. Lord, I can't do it without your help.  I'll just be still, as you told us to be".  I talked to God continuously, as I still do, out loud, whenever I fly or drive.  I get in a mess, He gets me out.  I have had multiple pilot errors, He lands me softly.  Not the Ultralights however.   Ask Ben Methvin or Henry Herring!

On the way down I managed to kick off those sheep-skin boots.  Stupid teen-ager remembers he took off his Mae West.  Teen-agers think they are immortal, without the dull necessity of planning ahead.  God bless them all!

I hit the water on the down swing;   much more interesting but I was so cold it didn't matter.  I surfed behind the chute for a short while, then collapsed it and sank under water to remove my sheep-skin pants and jacket, until I was in shorts only.  I then began swimming to the surface.  I didn't realize how deeply I had sunk, but finally broke surface gasping for air.  I escaped the shroud lines and began dog paddling to stay above the four to five feet waves.  I could see a distance only half the time and shore seemed miles away.  

I didn't know that the row-boat was on the way looking for me.  I have no idea how long I swam but was so cold and tired I was ready to give it up, sink, and get it over with.  

Next issue, rescue!

Would you like to Learn to fly Ultralights or Trikes?    These folks are instructors you  can call:                
Chuck Goodrum           trikes@mindspring.com                      770-426-7294
Joe Horton                      
jhorto1@bellsouth.net                         770-975-0003
Bryan Jorgensen          
bajorg@aol.com                                    770-439-5504
Richard Logue              
loguer@earthlink.net                          770-590-3071
Ben Methvin                  
adakb@aol.com                                     770-509-6753
Brad Methvin                  
bradm@brashley.com                         678-461-4463
Bob Smedberg              
bobsmdberg@bellsouth.net              404-427-5739
 (If you know of other instructors please e-mail  

The driving directions to Etowah Bend Gliderport:
Driving from downtown Atlanta take: Hwy I-75 North exit 290 Cartsvilles Exit  make left, follow to US 41, turn right on HWY 411, then follow signs to Rome.   After 10 miles will cross Etowah River.  Make U-turn after bridge then Etowah Bend clubhouse will be the FIRST GATE on the right after driving back over the bridge.
(for more up to date and late developing events go to the forum at
http://www.georgiasportflyers.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl )
February Meeting
February 14, 2004 at 11:00 AM
(10:30 AM for those who are late) at

Etowah Bend Gliderport
Sun & Fun-April 13th through April 19th

GSFA plans:  leave April 12th, Fly to Ocala (stay the night), 13th to Sun & Fun, 14th Sun & Fun , 15th fly to St Augustine (stay the night), 16th fly to Jekyel Island (stay the night), 17th fly back to Cartersville.

September 10-12, at Marion County Airport, Jasper, Tennessee.  INFORMATION; T.L. Primm  (706)657-2318.  e-mail: primmees@quixnet.net


Dont forget to send me any articles (please indicate "newsletter article" in the subject line), for sale ads or pictures you want me to post in the newsletter!

See you at the February 14th Meeting,
Etowah Bend Gliderport.

Richard McIntosh   mcdiver@bellsouth.net

The History of Georgia Sport Flyers

By Bill Rouse (with help from Pierce Day and Chuck Goodrum):
Updated by Mike Prosser

The history of the Georgia Sport Flyers dates back to the fall of 1993, when names of interested ultralight flyers were being collected to possibly form a club in the Atlanta area.  Chuck was visiting airports and collecting names of interested parties, one of which was Ben Cole at Mathis airport. Just a few miles away, little did Chuck know but Pierce Day, in the middle of building his mini max, was interested in learning how to set up engines (oil, mix, prop, and all the other good stuff) and thought a club would provide the needed answers. Chance would have it that Chuck joined EAA Chapter 268 based at McCollum airport in Marietta; it was here that Chuck and Pierce Day first met.

Later, at Pickens County Airport, Chuck and Pierce would run into each other again and Chuck explained to Pierce that he was collecting names of interested parties to form an ultralight club, and the wheels were set in motion to form Atlanta's first ultralight flying club. A short time later, around September or October, Pierce phoned Chuck to say he wanted to get the club started. Several issues were discussed that night, and names were mentioned as to interested people wanting to start a club. The original list of names that Chuck had gathered is in the 1st picture/scrapbook that belongs to the club. Pieced agreed to compose a notice/flyer and would mail it out and Chuck agreed to start working on the Bylaws. Pierce arranged the first meeting in November 1993 at Palmetto-South Fulton Airport. However, due to a conflict with work, Chuck was unable to attend. Out of about 150 people contacted, only 15 showed up that day.  A series of meetings followed, that were held at the Varsity, to establish the structure of the club. The Bylaws were discussed, as well as which national organization (USUA or EAA) to affiliate with.

On December 4th, 1993, at the Masters Inn on Fulton Industrial Blvd, the Bylaws were approved and a slate of officers were nominated for term of office for 1994. It was decided at this meeting that meetings would be held in each of the four quadrants around metro Atlanta with the first one being held at the Shoney's on Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Thirty four people were in attendance at this meeting and voted in the first Officers/Executive Committee of the GSFA. The club logo was adopted at the March 1994 meeting.  Subsequently, Cartersville Airport (VPC) became our primary informal  home base because of its proximity and the number of members that found Cartersville the most convenient location.

The following is a list of Charter Members  who were at that first GSFA meeting and have served as Club Officers: Ben Cole (First Club President-1994), Pierce Day (Vice President-2000), Frank Eck (Vice President-2002), Chuck Goodrum (Secretary-1994 & President-1995), Michael W. Prosser (President-2000, 2001 & Rally Master-2000 and co-newsletter editor: 2000-2002), Bill Rouse (Secretary/Treasurer-1996 thru 1998 & 2000), Steve Yothment (Newsletter Editor 1995 thru 1999 & President 1999).

Others who had a significant contribution as Club Officers and are either current or past members: Ken Adams, Phil White, Bennet Lyles, Mike Carpenter Jr, David Shaw, Jeff Hatle (President-1996), Stan Sullivan (Vice President-1996), Ben Methvin (President-1997 & Vice President-2001), Brad Methvin (Vice Pres-1997, President 1998 & Website Officer & Air Rally Master), Dana Simmons (Vice President-1998), Dan Ryson (Vice President-1999), Robert (Bob) Smedberg (President-2002), Richard Logue (Secretary/Treasurer-2002,2003), Jo Prosser (Newsletter Editor: 2000 thru 2002), Terry Miller-Rally Master02).  The Officers for 2003 were Bryan Jorgensen-President, Mark Henderson-Vice President and Richard Logue-Secretary/Treasurer, Brad Methvin-Website Officer and Hugo Garcia-Newsletter Editor and Kim Arrowood-Rally Master.
Ultralights and therefore our Club, almost lost its privilege to operate (fly) at Cartersville airport in November 2000.  Never forget…
Mr. Robert Hite, FAA Safety Counselor - Cartersville, informed Mike Prosser (President GSFA) that he was going to recommend that ultralights be banned from Cartersville, due to safety reasons/concerns and violations of procedures.  The GSFA Executive Officers and several concerned prominent members responded, participated in a letter writing campaign and appealed to the Airport Authority.  Meetings were held with the Airport Authority, GSFA, Phoenix Air, Cartersville Pilots Association members and Mr. Hite (also a member of the Airport Authority) for resolution of this conflict.  All participants that the GSFA members met with were very professional & fair.  At the January 8th, 2001 1st quarterly meeting of the Airport Authority, all parties agreed to permit ultralights to continue to operate at Cartersville.  Mike Prosser submitted the Cartersville Pattern and Procedures document, pattern diagrams and the GSFA Safety Committee list to Mr. Don McMillan - Airport Authority Chairman.  The Airport Authority accepted the documents and agreed to adopt them into the First Amendment to the Rules and Regulations of the Cartersville Bartow County Airport Authority of Georgia .  This was executed on 1-9-01.

Special GSFA Recognition: Mike Prosser (Pres: 2000 & 2001), Pierce Day (VP: 2000), Bill Rouse (Sec/Treasurer: 2000 & 2001), Ben Methvin (VP-2001), Brad Methvin (Website Officer), Chuck Goodrum.

The GSFA Safety Committee was established in Dec. 2000 to ensure our right to operate at Cartersville (VPC) Airport, by striving to establish a safe & harmonious relationship with all user groups at Cartersville. The members were: Mike Prosser, Pierce Day, Ben Methvin, Chuck Goodrum and Bill Rouse. This committee has served continuously from 2000-2003 and updated *12-12-03 for 2004.

The Officers for 2004 are: Kim Arrowood-President, Lonnie Sand-Vice President, Richard Logue-Secretary/Treasurer, Brad Methvin-Website Officer and Richard McIntosh-Newsletter Editor. The GSFA *Safety Committee members are: Mike Prosser, Ben Methvin and Chuck Goodrum.


Would you like to Learn to fly Ultralights or Trikes?    These folks are instructors you  can call:                
Fixed Wing
            Joe Horton                      jhorto1@bellsouth.net                         770-975-0003
            Bryan Jorgensen          
bajorg@aol.com                                    770-439-5504
            Richard Logue              
loguer@earthlink.net                          770-590-3071
            Ben Methvin                  
adakb@aol.com                                     770-509-6753
            Brad Methvin                  
bradm@brashley.com                         678-461-4463
            Bob Smedberg              
bobsmedberg@bellsouth.net            404-427-5739


           Chris Antoskow             flytrikes@aol.com                                 404-451-5656  
           Chuck Goodrum            
trikes@mindspring.com                      770-426-7294

(If you know of other instructors please e-mail mcdiver@bellsouth.net)
Minutes from the January Meeting
provided by Lonnie Sand

The January Georgia Sport Flyers club meeting was opened by club president Kim Arrowood at the Etowah Bend glider port.  A nice crowd of approximately 30 attended.  New members and visitors were welcomed.  Treasurer Richard Logue stated that the club at that time had $1040.00 in the bank. He re-iterated that the club member annual dues were due and that amount  would increase significantly as annual membership dues were collected.  He stated the costs of receiving the newsletter by e-mail was $20.00 and by regular mail $30.00.  It was announced that Mark Henderson will be this years Rally Master.  Michael (Budman) Prosser gave a well informed presentation about the appropriate flying procedures to be followed when operating at Cartersville airport.  Ben Methvin mentioned there is now ultralight insurance available and further explained how the coverage works, what it will and will not cover, costs,etc.  Lonnie Sand briefly touched on some USUA website news.  Brad Methvin gave a quick reminder(refresher) on the use of the clubs internet site the Forum.  Bob Smedberg  provided an update on the Sport Pilot status.  According to USUA and EAA the Secretary of DOT Signed off on proposed SP/LSA Rule on December 23, 2003. It now will go to the OMB, the final step in the rule making process where they are allotted 90 days for evaluation and to act on. Then comes published final version. May be April 2004 if all goes well before we see it in final form.
Congratulations to Mark Henderson on his recent purchase of  a single place
CGS Hawk!  The meeting ended and all enjoyed Chili for lunch.
Letter from the President

I would like to say Thanks to everyone who made it to the January meeting. We had a very good turn out. If you did not make it, we hope that you will be able to join us for the February 14th meeting. There will be Chili & cheese after the meeting.
Some quick notes: Mike Prosser is our leader of our GSFA Safety Committee. Ive asked Mike to talk with us on Safety at Cartersville Airport every Quarter.  Bob Smedburg will be keeping us updated on Sport Pilot every month at the meetings. This info is very important to us and we need to keep up with what is going on with all of the changes, as it does affect all of us who fly ultralights.  Feel free to contact Ben Methvin about 3rd party insurance. Brad Methvin has worked hard to build our web site and we should use it as much as we can. If you have any questions or problems with the site e-mail Brad.  Im so excited about Mark being our Rally Master.  I know that he will do a Great Job. We will be getting started on the details at the next meeting, so if you know what you would like to do, to be a part if this Special Day June 12th 2004, Please let us know. Contact Mark at mark.henderson@hopegood.com. As a club member, this is a day to show off your talent. We need you, so please plan on being there. Also we need t-shirt ideas. If you can, send it to the forum to be voted on. If not send you idea to Richard McIntosh.  
We did not even get to the Sun & Fun trip in this last meeting. Check the Calendar of Events for details {subject to change due to weather as always}. We are starting a sign up list with the following needed info: Name, are you flying or driving. The sign up sheet will be at the Feb.14th meeting. If you can not make the meeting you can send the info to klocator@comcast.net.
Thanks to Jim & Becky Karlovich for allowing us use the Club house it was very nice to have a warm place to have the meeting. Lets always keep this place clean.

Be Safe and as always Fly Safe.
GSFA / President
Kim Arrowood